Thursday, August 21, 2008
Foreword for Conservation: The way forward into the future
Humanity is like a large family, there are parents and children, honorable men and delinquent. And it so appears a sizeable portion of our dear relatives do not like doing chores like keeping the house clean. Earth is the only home in our universe. Some people act as if there are millions of houses just like our own. In the past Singaporeans were not too enthusiastic about conservation. But the times have changed and now we come to an understanding that nature, brambles and bushes, coral and mudflats, are not obstructions to progress. Some understand that this is all we have, and what we had was initially very good. These people come from all areas of society and they, like us want to conserve; preserve the earth. Because we love the world.
(And we love the salty world best ^^)
Jacque and Theophilus finished work at 1:48 PM